Community Foundation partners have become a part of everything we do. From the NonProfit Business Council presentations to exclusive corporate level tours, from Give4Marion prize sponsorships to social media exposure, ribbon cuttings, event sharing, subject matter expert counseling, and so much more, our partners receive as much exposure and coverage as we could possibly offer.

When you partner with the Community Foundation in 2023, you have the opportunity to become a part of everything we do. Each partner has the opportunity to select any events they would like to support. Your entire donation amount will be recognized at the Pillar Society and Corporate Partner levels.

Read more about each available opportunity below.


Share The Love

Each tray of (5) cookies will be delivered to first responders in partnership with Chick-fil-A Paddock Mall around Marion County in February to help our community say “Thank You” for all they do to serve our wonderful community. This includes law enforcement, Fire, EMT, and Healthcare.


Inspire Gala



This Inaugural Awards Gala will be held on the evening of Friday, March 3rd to honor members of our community for their outstanding efforts to create change and leave a legacy in our local community. There are limited sponsorships available and every first year sponsor will reserve the first right of refusal to renew for 2024.


Back to School Community Giveback



Together AdventHealth Ocala, Marion County Public Schools and The Community Foundation of Ocala/Marion have partnered to bring thousands of families together to celebrate Back to School.

Over 6,000 backpacks and supplies will be distributed at across 6 locations in Marion County. The event main host location will be at AdventHealth Ocala Auxiliary Center and parking lot. Our satellite locations will include North Marion High School, Belleview High School, Liberty Middle School, Ft. McCoy Middle School, Lake Weir High School and Dunnellon Middle School.



Matching Moments: A successful way to engage the community during Give4Marion occurs through Matching Moments. Your gift inspires community donors to give within a certain timeframe. All donations up to $100 given during that time will be matched by your gift. We work with you to select the time. The match continues until the time expires or the matching fund has been depleted.

Power Hours: These sponsorship levels allow your business to create a prize for our Power Hours. These awards are given out during a specific hour to nonprofits who meet a criteria you set, such as most donors most dollars raised within the hour.

Celebration Party: Please join the Community Foundation and local nonprofits to celebrate the final giving hours of GIVE4MARION with live music and festivities.


Pillar Society

You cannot create a strong foundation without the support from sturdy pillars. That’s why we’ve created The Pillar Society, a group of philanthropists dedicated to supporting the Community Foundation in our efforts to help nonprofits address the needs of community. We know the needs in Marion County may look overwhelming, but by having strong philanthropic leaders alongside the Foundation, we can work together to build a stronger community enhancing the quality of life for everyone. Members of The Pillar Society lead by example and be part of the solutions needed, while the Foundation serves as the guide connecting passions to purpose. Our vision continues to CREATE a philanthropic community where giving back comes naturally, CONNECT leadership and resources to protect and propel our community, and CAPITALIZE on funding causes that are important to our community. We need you to take this vision to levels we have never seen before.

Please join with us as we are Building a Stronger Community… One Passion at a Time!

Members of The Pillar Society commit to a three-year annual contribution. These donations go a long way in helping the Community Foundation proactively work to ensure our community’s needs are met. Those annual donors are recognized as members of this prestigious group. Listed are their total committed contributions for 2021-2023.


Naming Rights

NonProfit Resource Center Building- $500,000 (10 Year Agreement): One donor will receive the opportunity to name the NonProfit Resource Center to include signage on the outside of the main building and two road signs. Signage will be co-designed by the Community Foundation and Donor. This agreement will span over a 10-year period with a 10-year option. All marketing materials will reflect new partnership, to include a press release, ribbon cutting ceremony, and plaque inside the lobby.

Community Room- $5000 (2 Year Agreement): One donor will receive the opportunity to name the Community Room to include signage on the outside door of the main building entrance, inside plaque by door, and signage on main wall inside room. Signage will be co-designed by the Community Foundation and Donor. This agreement will span over a 2-year period with a 2-year option. All marketing materials will reflect new partnership.

Executive Board Room- $3000 (2 Year Agreement): One donor will receive the opportunity to name the Executive Board Room to include signage on the outside door of the main building entrance, inside plaque by door, and signage on main wall inside room. Signage will be co-designed by the Community Foundation and Donor. This agreement will span over a 2-year period with a 2-year option. All marketing materials will reflect new partnership.

Strategy Room- $2000 (2 Year Agreement): One donor will receive the opportunity to name the Strategy Room to include signage on the outside door of the main building entrance, inside plaque by door, and signage on main wall inside room. Signage will be co-designed by the Community Foundation and Donor. This agreement will span over a 2-year period with a 2-year option. All marketing materials will reflect new partnership.

Finance and Accounting Counselling Services- $1500 (1 year agreement): Up to 4 donors will receive the opportunity to place their name or business name in the FACS area to include signage on the outside of the areas where nonprofits meet for technical assistance. This agreement will span over a 1-year period with a 1-year option. All marketing materials will reflect new partnership.

*All naming right opportunities will have the ability to customize options and activations around partnership.


Interested in becoming a Community Foundation sponsor? Contact us for more information at 352-622-5020 ext. 105 or via email at